Thursday 13 February 2014

You can't be A Nobody

I am glad to tell you in this month edition that you can’t be a nobody. You can’t be a nobody because you are a product of God’s plan before the world began. It is written: “According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love.” (Eph.1:4)
Beloved, God had chosen you before the foundation of the world. That is before God created the earth or before Genesis chapter one, God had foreseen and chosen you in Christ in love. He has included you in His plan for this generation and this is why you are God’s hope to this generation.
In other words, you are not mistake on earth. You are not an accident. God chose, elected, prepared and planned your coming to the world, you can’t be Mr. nobody. You can’t be inferior. You can’t be useless. You can’t be a waste on earth.

Friend, God wouldn’t have chosen you to be a nobody and a failure. He wouldn’t have chosen you to be a beggar and a pauper. He wouldn’t have elected and prepared you before the world began to be a waste, a disgrace, an eyesore and a laughing stock on earth. He wouldn’t have chosen in Christ Jesus to be an object of scorn and mockery on earth.
That is why you mustn’t subject yourself to failure, poverty, mediocrity and oppressions. They are not products of His plan for you life. They are designed by the enemy of mankind to destroy you and subjugate you to his programme of slavery on earth. And this is the reason you must learn to say No vehemently or violently to anything or any phenomenon that is not in God’s package for your life on earth.
Poverty is not a blessing but a curse, you must say No to it and cast it out of your life. It is a devil you must cast out of your life through the name of Jesus. And call in prosperity to replace it so that when it comes back, there won’t be space for it anymore.

You must learn to say No to things that are not of God such as failure, backwardness, sickness, bareness, etc. I am bold to say that you’re not designed to fail and be poor on earth. You’re not made to be a subject of shame and humiliation on earth. You’re not created by God to be a servant of men on earth. You were designed to stand out like a city on a hill and to be a light to people in your world.
 Moreover you were made to be a rain upon people’s desert. You can’t be a nobody. You are not thrash. Don’t allow the enemy, satan, to deceive you into a belief that you were designed to be a nobody, a pauper and a failure on earth.

Friend, life is about choices not about chances. You are where you are today because you chose to be there. And if you want to change your position now, all what you need to do is just to make another choice or choose a new destination. You lack direction because you don’t know where you are going. You don’t understand your life because you don’t have a destination. You don’t have a destination because you don’t have a dream and you don’t have a dream because you think you are a mistake on earth and born to be servant of men.
You are servant of men because you don’t have a gut to have your own seat. You don’t have a gut because you think you have no choice. You think you don’t have a choice because you think that is your destiny i.e. to be a servant of men. You are cornered because you don’t know how to come out of it and you don’t know how to come out of it because you don’t know your way out of it. You don’t know your way out of it because you don’t have a destination.

Beloved, if you want to have breakthrough in your life, you must have a destination. You are living in shame and poverty now because you have refused to fight them.
Honey, you are God’s finished product, you can’t be a waste on earth. He prepared and planned your coming to the earth, you can’t be a nobody. He made you to be a name, a glory and a praise, refuse to die as a nobody. It is God’s perfect will for you to be happy, productive, rich and famous. God can’t prevent you from having what he made you to have and enjoy on earth. Satan even can’t prevent you from being happy, productive and rich. He can only do that if you allow him to do it. It is you who determines what happen to you here on earth through your choices. That is why life is not about chances but about choices. Hence, choose you this day to be somebody and refuse to be seen as a nobody. You were made to have identity on earth, don’t die as a nonentity! 

I would like you to say this after me: God chose me, elected me, prepared me and planned my coming to the world, I can’t be Mr. Nobody. He wouldn’t have chosen me before the foundation of the world to be a nobody, a beggar and a failure. He wouldn’t have elected and prepared me before the world began to be a waste, a disgrace and an object of scorn on earth. Hence I reject all forms of poverty, lack, want, failure, disgrace and oppression that are not His perfect will for my life on earth, in the name of Jesus Christ. I am who God says I am. I am somebody and very important to His plan for this generation. Thank you, heavenly Father for making the light of the world and the salt of the earth.